Monday, July 04, 2005

Oh yeah...

Hey guys. Yeah, it's been a while. oops. Not a whole lot has really changed.

I've been running a lot in the mornings now. There's something special about the beach in the morning. The water is so calm, and there are no footprints yet in the sand. Sometimes you can't even tell where the water stops and the sky starts on a cloudy day.

The power has been going out a lot lately, but to be honest it's sort of nice. Instead of taking the easy way out and watching movies or playing nintendo we've actually had to be creative and (gasp) talk. Talking in the dark is pretty fun actually. Last night there was a great big storm (that actually had nothing to do with the power outage), so we went outside and sat on the porch and just watched the storm. It was so ridiculous and so much better than some crappy fireworks anyway. The sky literally lit up about ever half a second. It was a constant flickering of light that would light up the beach and the palm trees. It was amazing. The best is when it's so bright that you can see the rain falling.
The lightening sort of lights up every individual raindrop. I wish you could have been there. This went on for hours, and we'd just oooh and aaah and even giggle sometimes because it was just that cool. It was so incredibly loud sometimes that it'd change the rythem of your heart and shake the building. It was pretty amazing.

I went to visit Guilford about two weeks ago. Even went up to Wake which definately had me doing some hard core thinking. I'm almost positive I'll be back at Wake this semester at least. It's kind of frustrating though--getting sentimental about Wake even though I really don't have reason to be. I mean I'm excited about the classes and the house of course. I even have come closer to deciding what to do with my life... maybe I'll be an English teacher.

I've been doing a lot of pondering lately really, and this week I'm off, so I'll be sitting out on the crab dock as often as I can. The crab dock is amazing. It overlooks the marsh (think Dawson's creek), so it's a nice change from the beach. As you walk out to the dock, literally hundreds of little black fiddler crabs dart out of the way. There are so many that the noise they make as they run through the grass and stuff sounds like the noise a large animal would make in the woods. If I could I think I would go out to the dock every night to just sit or read or write. It's a great place to watch the sunset over that marsh grass as it waves in the breeze. Later of course, the stars come out, and since there aren't any lights out there at all, you can see thousands instead of the 4 or so up at school.

So... how are you guys doing?

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