Friday, July 08, 2005

I'm a weirdo

I really actually like to sit at red lights and watch people cross in front of me as they turn left. For some reason, people never really think (or like to think) that a clear glass window will not protect them from the view of curious on-lookers. People have the most interesting and real expressions on their faces when they drive sometimes because they're not putting on a fake face for anyone. I like it.

I often spend about an hour in Blockbuster trying to decide what movie to get.

I still keep a personal journal, and my last entry detailed all the things I'm looking for in a guy.

I have four doors that lead out of my room at home, and each is painted a different color.

I'm currently reading a book about the Appalachian Trail.

The clock in my car is about ten minutes behind the world, but I don't want to change it.

I have more pictures of the band Jump, Little Children on my computer than I have of my friends and family put together. (Plus I have had more than a few dreams involving the band.)

I enjoy making people feel awkward.

I don't wear makeup. at all.

I am currently wearing my pajama boxers from Limited Too. (Yes, that's where everyone shopped in 6th grade.)

I bought a George Foreman grill just to make grilled cheeses on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good thing you don't need to wear make up :)

well first part of summer was fun for me. mainly catching up with friends, fencing again, and volunteering at habitat for humanity. then it's been kinda bad for the last month thanks for medical problems but doing better now.

right now i'm mainly chilling with friends and working out a lot. no job thanks to a messed up summer but oh well...glad to hear that your summer is going well.

and wearing pajama boxers...damn :P