Sunday, June 05, 2005

I've joined the rest of the world

by aquiring an i-pod. I think I have a problem with material possessions. I don't know. I mean it's not like I spend a lot of the money I make. (in fact I tend to squirrel it away, and I even faithfully look through the coupon things every Sunday), but there are some things that seem to be way to important to me, and it sort of worries me. I read this book once where the main character only had like 75 possessions or something, and he constantly had to give things up to make room for new things. Man, that would be so cool to actually do that. I'm not strong enough for that though, and I do realize it is a bit extreme of course. I guess an i-pod is sort of cheating because it allowed me to condense hundreds of CD's into one little compact gadget. It's weird though. A lot of the things I value the most (my old shoes, my '92 toyota corolla, my stupid looking green and white poka dotted heart-shaped pillow, the earrings liz gave me for my 11th birthday (?) that I never take out, etc.) are actually really old and look worthless. I guess this has to do with the fact that I'm so darn sentimental. I'd cry if I lost those shoes, and I check multiple times a day to make sure my earrings haven't mysteriously fallen out. I guess it could be worse... I'm trying not to be too attached to electronic stuff and to simplify my life, but it's not easy. There are so many things that I'd like to have... man, wouldn't it be cool to own the only '92 corolla that had a sun roof? I guess part of it is that I'm a dreamer as well which may make my life more interesting, but it definately also makes it so much harder to bear. Sometimes I just get so frustrated. Sure, I'll be at Wake for another year, but after that... well, who knows?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sup rach?