Thursday, January 06, 2005

sappy remarks on the brother

OK, so I'm in a really good mood now. Yes, it's true. So I just got back from that movie Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events. There were only four of us in the theatre b/c who goes to see a kid's movie that's been out for three weeks at 4:35 on a Thursday afternoon? Anyway, I took my little brother, Stefan, because he has been diligently reading the books, I thought it'd be a nice bonding activity, and well... I didn't think anyone else would enjoy it as much as he would.

[Side note: Stefan looks a lot younger than he actually is, so he fascinates people b/c he's a pretty intelligent and really funny guy. oh, and he's really cute, and still has that child-like innocence thing working for him. He looks like that kid in the Old Navy commercials... Stefan gets mad at him for "stealing his identity."]

So yeah, the movie was fun and definately aesthetically pleasing, but that is not the point of this. The point is that I'm a fan of sibling quality time together. Yeah, so we usually give eachother a hard time as siblings should, but today we were able to put all of that aside, and it was lovely.

Anyway, after we went to Fazoli's, I was dreading the drive back home... that is until I popped in a CD. (OK, yes, if you know me at all, you probably know it was a Jump, Little Children CD. No, I do listen to other bands... it's true, I promise, but yes, it was a Jump CD. Magazine in case you're interested.) Anyway, as usual I was singing along, but then something amazing and quite touching happened. Stefan started singing along in that pre-puberty voice of his. Oh man, it was so cute. Of course he botched some of the lyrics, but that only made the whole thing more endearing.

So yes, that is why I'm in a good mood. I've been struggling some with not being home as he's growing up b/c I miss moments like these. It sucks, you know? I mean I won't be there when he brings home his first girl friend or during his awful band practices (yeah, he just started playing the drums). *Sigh* It's moments like tonight's that make me happy to have such an amazing little brother.

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