Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Post-Concert Bliss

[WARNING: you probably just want to skip this one unless you have a strong liking for music and Jump, Little Children in particular... the details will most likely bore you.]

*Sigh* Yes, so I attended the J,LC concert last night at Dock Street Theatre, and let me say I enjoyed it immensely. It is quite possible that I got more dressed up last night, than I have in years. (Yeah, the whole skip your high school prom thing sucks in retrospect... but that's another topic that I will perhaps discuss later b/c I have much to say on that topic as you might have guessed.) So yes, I went a bit crazy--I made a necklace and earrings, but I did refrain from painting my nails in the wal*mart manacure way b/c I thought that might be a bit much. Anyway, thanks to my lovely assistant, Liz, I left confidently with my hair put back in some artsy manner.

The original plan actually worked for once. I met Tommy there, and we happily took our seats in the front row. (Oh, yes I was that dork that waited by her computer to buy the tickets when they first came out.) It's weird. It seemed like everything happened on December 28th: Dock Street (obviously), Tommy's birthday, the due date of all my library books (oops), and the day Garden State came out on DVD... ok that's not actually too much, but it sure seems like it when you sit around the house most days. I don't know how I'm going to be able to sit at home tonight and tomorrow night knowing that Jump is playing and that I could be there. Thus, I think I may end up going Thursday night... yes there is definately that possibility.

Anyway, back to the show. It was amazing. Jay's voice sounded better than I remembered. I mean it was just amazing how good he sounded. Matt cracked me up with his offbeat comments and outfit. Johnny... well what do I need to say about that man--he's my favorite, he's amazing. I mean how many people have you seen even play a big old stand up bass, let alone dance with it like he does. Then there was the whole conversation about Ward's outfit... the one he got from Bannana Republic. He admitted that "Chad" helped him pick it out... yes, Chad was my Spanish teacher for three years in high school, and I love that man, so we definately had a good laugh about that.

Man, I just didn't really stop smiling much last night. I love that post-concert blissful high feeling you get after a good show. I love it. I guess it's like an escape for me. My liking for good music resembles an addiction. I go through bouts of depression when I haven't listened to good music in a while, and when I get my fix I am ridiculously giddy. Yes, I'm sorry to admit it's true. Is it healthy? Well I don't know... there are better and worse things to be addicted to I suppose. OK, I'm done rambling... I'm going to go return those library books now and enjoy this gorgeous day.

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