Monday, December 27, 2004

Post-Christmas Feelings: A Christmas of Gloves

Yep, so Christmas day has passed. I have to say it was not too exciting. That may be because I knew everything I was getting because I picked out my presents with my dad this year. What I got in case you're curious: 3 CD's (a coldplay, a nick drake, and an iron and wine--which I like a whole lot and have listened to every night), a DVD (Napoleon Dynamite), and a Napoleon Dynamite T-Shirt (which I find humerous). Although to be fair, I did receive three items I did not know about: a pair of black velour gloves, a pair of tan velour gloves (actually everyone received gloves except for Stefan... how exciting), and a blue sweater (with leather trimming... not exactly my style, but good try, Dad). Sadly, I returned these three surprises. My dad did say I have one thing coming in the mail, however. At first this didn't excite me too much, but if that thing is an i-Pod, I would literally jump for joy and take back my oppinion that my parents can do no good by buying my surprises for Christmas. (I do not, however, think that the thing will be an i-Pod b/c sadly they are ridiculously expensive.) Yes, my family has not been the best at surprising me these past few Christmases (is that a word?). Last year I recieved this horrible aqua bluish bathrobe, but it wasn't terry cloth--oh no, that might have been acceptable--it was this horrible (sorry I can't think of another adjective worthy of this thing) long hairy material--like gorilla fur only flourescent aquamarine. I don't know what it was, but it was just... well horrible. I think you get the picture.

Don't worry though. I went shopping with my mom today, and I think we got some good stuff. To sum it up: a pair of pants from Gap, a fun striped sweater from Express, a long-sleeve Half Moon T-Shirt, two great skirts, and a warmer jacket. Wow, it looks like I'm a name-brand freak, but I'm not... well not really. It just happened that I found stuff I liked there. I do try to stay away from clothing that has the logo stamped across it though for the most part. I just don't think that's too cool. They should pay us to wear that stuff, shouldn't they?

So yeah, lately I have to admit I've been reading the Lemony Snicket books. It started out just because I was curious because as you should know, I want to see the movie, but I've now read the first 3 in 4 days. (I mean they're on the 5th or 6th grade reading level, so that's part of it.) They even have great pictures. They are pretty entertaining. As entertaining as Harry Potter? ummm... probably not. I mean they don't have as much going on in them b/c they're considerably shorter, but they are clever none the less. So if you find yourself with oodles of free time like me, you may want to consider checking out the first one at least. (Be warned: they are super expensive, so it is best to borrow them from your little brother's best friend as I did.)

Yes, then this is exciting: Jump, Little Children at Dock Street tomorrow night and again for me on Thursday night hopefully. I am pretty stoked to say the least. I admit that I even carried around a Sharpie markie today in case I stumbled across them down town. (I'm sorry to say I didn't.) I did, however run into Ella, and that was nice. She spotted me coming out of Barnes and Noble (caramel frappacino in hand which I think I'm addicted to) and claimed that she knew it was me just by watching the way I walk. hmmm... interesting, but hey that's pretty cool I think.

Of the things that plague my mind: I wonder if I will again be sitting at home on the couch in the living room on New Year's Eve... I figure there is about a 36% chance that someone will call me... will that someone be you?

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