Monday, December 20, 2004

My Very First Entry

Ok, so here goes... yeah, I'm finally starting one of these things. I say finally because well I'm a dork, and I keep a personal journal anyway. (You really should try it. I'm serious. It's a great way to get some emotions out and even work out some of your issues. If you have issues, of course, which I'm assuming you do otherwise you wouldn't still be reading this.) So yeah, I will obviously not be recording my darkest and deepest thoughts here, but this will probably be more than you'll hear come out of my mouth.

On that note, I don't like being thought of as shy, and well... I don't know how people come to think of me that way because I have so much to say. (hence, this whole blog thing should be useful.) I guess I just don't do as well with big groups of people. I find a hard time getting in my thoughts sometimes when everyone is trying to talk at the same time... you know what I mean. I figure I'll just let someone else tell their story, and if the break in conversation is long enough, I'll jump in.

So yeah, I'm sitting at home. It's Christmas break. It's nice, but darn it I am sooooo bored. There are so many things I want to do. So many movies I want to see. Currently at the top of my list: Finding Neverland, Lemony Snicket's: A Series of Unfortunate events, and The Incredibles. Too bad I can't find anyone to go with me. (but I am not trying to evoke any pity here.)

So tonight my neighborhood had "The Festival of Lights." Yeah, it's this thing where everyone has to set out white paper bags every few feet with sand weighing them down and tea light candles inside. If you don't do it, the neighborhood people will bang down your door I think. It's just that serious. The whole thing seems rather ridiculous to me. I am not entirely synical though. I think it's a nice idea, but I feel like it's done more to advertise the neighborhood now, and not for Christmas really, and that is just dumb.

Ok, I suppose that is enough for now. I'm going to go watch the Hallmark Hall of Fame movie with my mom now. Yes, that is more or less how I spend my evenings.

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