Monday, January 02, 2006

What I'm looking for:

We took these compatibility test things in high school as a fundraiser of sorts. I sort of wish we would do something like that in college just because I feel like there must be some great people out there that I’m just not meeting. Sort of in the spirit of that, I thought I'd do a little post about the qualities I am looking for... you will probably find this at best amusing and at worst pathetic. Eh, at this point I really don't think anyone reads this anyway, so I've got nothing to lose. I think there is a 150- point max just so you know.

Drives a Volvo………….+4

Drives a smaller car………+3

Tall, dark, and hansom…….+6

Majoring/minoring in English, Psych, Env. Studies, Sociology, Religion, Education…+5

Likes good music…………..+8




Other sort of Protestant Christian…….+5

Dresses well……………..+5

Plays a musical instrument…+7

Has a good set of morals……+7

Makes me laugh……………..+7

I like the parents……………….+6

Likes the outdoors…………+7

Has mastered the whole dorky/cute look……+6

Is a good hugger………….+8

Is passionate about something in life……..+8

Writes poetry/songs………+5

Is soft-spoken……………..+7

Likes kids/good with kids…….+8

Maintains eye contact……………..+7

Challenges me…………………..+7

Can hold a decent conversation…………+8

Comfortable with silence………………+7

Drives an SUV…………-5


Listens to country/rap music……-5

Drinks too much…………-9

In a fraternity……………-5

Isn't a Christian............-10

so what's your score?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Extremely random of me to find this blog much less comment on something years old; however, I'm curious to see what I'd get on this ridiculous test.

Drives a Volvo………….+4
Tall, dark, and hansom…….+6
Likes good music…………..+8
Dresses well……………..+5
Plays a musical instrument…+7
Has a good set of morals……+7
Makes me laugh……………..+7
I like the parents……………….+6
Likes the outdoors…………+7
Has mastered the whole dorky/cute look……+6
Is a good hugger………….+8
Is passionate about something in life……..+8
Writes poetry/songs………+5
Is soft-spoken……………..+7
Likes kids/good with kids…….+8
Maintains eye contact……………..+7
Challenges me…………………..+7
Can hold a decent conversation…………+8
Comfortable with silence………………+7
Isn't a Christian............-10

Total: 118