Monday, January 16, 2006

granted not having short term memory mostly sucks... sometimes it'd be pretty sweet

So I got some chaco's yesterday. they were 50% off, and that's exciting. I think I have problems with buying/aquiring things that I simply don't need though. I mean I'll definately use my chaco's, but did I really need CHACO's or would some other brand have served the purpose? Also--am I buying them to try to fit in and be more outdoorsy? outdoorsy people are just as bad as frat guys. they just conform to different things. Outdoors clothing is EXPENSIVE, and there are definately name brands and non-name brands. Maybe it's polo shirts for one group, but it's chaco's or patagonia raincoats or whatever for the other group. I do have a slightly humerous or endearing story about the chaco's though:

so it was just a few hours after I had purchased the chaco's. They were lying on the floor next to my desk when I walked in and actually thought to myself: hmmm those are pretty sweet. I wonder whose they are. Then I realized they were mine, and I got giddy all over again. I sort of wish that would happen everyday to me. I think I'd be a lot happier if it did. I'd wake up, and think A laptop! holy crap! that's awesome! WITH WIRELESS internet access?! NO WAY!!!!

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