Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ever have one of those moments?

Those 'what the hell?' moments? Yeah. I feel like I get those about 7 times a day now, but last night and today really took the cake.

What the heck am I doing back at the Strand?
back in New York?
living with a stranger again from Craigs List?
trying to fit a full size mattress down the world's steepest and tiniest stair case?
waiting for the free IKEA shuttle at 8:35 when apparently the last one leaves at 8:30 (even though the store closes at 9:00)?
in a subway turnstile with 30 pounds worth of wooden planks haphazardly tucked under my arms?
in an apartment without a microwave?
with less money in my bank account than when I was a student?

nothing but a pack of cards?

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