In the foreground on the left, we have the huge and towering Christmas tree, and in the background on the right, we have a building that is lit up with many advertisements. I tell you this story not to complain about consumerism and Christmas (which would be far too easy to do... and I might have even done it last year or the year before anyway), but to tell you this nice little anecdote about Denmark and the Danish way:
Approximately one second after Amelia captured this moment on film, every single one of those neon lights went out simultaneously and stayed out for the twenty minutes Amelia and I awaited the arrival of our night busses. It was as if Denmark had heard our complaint and criticism and meekly replied: Oh, no. Sorry, sorry. You have the wrong idea. We're not like that here. See?
It was cute really... and quite strange. I'm glad the city is so receptive and thoughtful like that.
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