Sunday, October 07, 2007

so I started a new blog

Hi, all. You may have noticed that I am not posting as much as I should be considering I am in a new country and in the midst of having many new and exciting things happening to me. Yes, this is a legit claim. Sorry about that. I need to work on it. However, I just thought I'd write a little post now to tell you that I have started a new blog that I have dedicated purely to the subject of dreams... so check that out if you feel so inclined. It can be pretty interesting stuff... if not downright frightening, ridiculous, and a bit philosophical at times. So yeah... you can find that here. The new blog also explains why I probably will no longer post my crazy dreams here. If you ever want to contribute a dream to it, send it to me, and I will post it with your name attached. I think it would be cool if the site represented many POV's and dreamers.

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