Saturday, February 04, 2006


ok, so if you haven't taken the myers briggs personality test, you really should. It's so darn interesting. You can take an abreviated version for free on the internet:

so take it, and tell me what you get.

I got INFJ (introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging). I also took the test in high school, and I believe I got either the same thing, or INFP, so I think it's fairly accurate. It's crazy reading the descriptions for the types they have available on the internet. They're sooo true, it's scary. lucky me... my personality type is the least represented in the general population--a mere 1.5%. I guess that explains some things. famous INFJ's include: Chaucer, Hawthorne, Shirley Temple, MLK jr., mother Theresa, and Billy Crystal. I'm an idealist: big surprise there.

ooo here's a good line:
"Life is not necessarily easy for the INFJ, but they are capable of great depth of feeling and personal achievement." oh ok. so uh yeah... check it out.


Bach Goes to Town said...



Rachel said...

Note: for some reason, the last few lines didn't show up as white, so you can't read them unless you scroll over them and highlite them. Just thought I'd throw that out there.