Sunday, April 17, 2005

why is it...

that we feel like we're always supposed to be doing something? Sometimes don't you just want to sit and think or even just sit and stare at the wall. Even as I consider this, I think about time restrictions... you know what I mean. The "I simply don't have time to just sit around" or "sitting around is so unproductive," But is it really? I mean I think that slowing down and taking some time to just ponder life is good. It gives me a chance to try to sort things out and figure out what I like about my life and what I want to maybe work on. And sometimes it's just nice to ponder about random things such as wireless headphones for my i-pod (of the future), the possibility of banana juice, fruit flies, etc. I used to have this big chunk of time virtually every day when I would drive to and from school to just think or zone out or be still and reflect, but I've found that I have to almost fight for this time of solitude now. Sometimes I just want to go sit outside and watch people. So yeah, I'm all about the pondering of life. Some people may think that people who just sit around are lazy, but I think it's possible that they're doing grander things that simply reading a history text, etc. Some things can't be learned from a book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know the expression stop and smell the roses?