Wednesday, February 16, 2005

the trend I've detected is towards low self-monitoring

I must say I'm in a darn good mood. Just got out of my interpersonal communication class where much class (and more specifically individual) participation occurred. It was nice. We did this thing where there was this list of around 250 adjectives, and we had to pick the ones that best described us. It was interesting, so I decided to volunteer my adjectives to the rest of the class, and my teacher sort of did a brief analysis of me. It was cool. He said I sounded like a very interesting person (haha) and that I would be interesting to get to know, but he made the prediction that someone would have to really make an effort to get to know me. yeah, I guess that's sort of true. So yeah, here they are because I'm sure you're curious... (in no particular order) self-conscious, perceptive, idealistic, imaginative, playful, intuitive, protective, cynical, trustworthy, determined, reflective, regretful, manipulative, religious, modest, elusive, naive, visionary, nervous, frank, sarcastic, youthful, inquisitive, honest, and indecisive. Yeah, I'm not proud of all of them, and a few of them I'd like to change, but I think it's pretty accurate.

uh huh, so I may still have some pesky hormones running around contributing to the being alone sucks state of mind, but today has been better. By the way, I think it's pretty crappy that everyone sort of assumes that boys have an excuse for not being able to control as much their attraction to girls as the general rule. It's all "because of their hormones," "boys will be boys..." What the heck? News flash: girls have hormones, too. Maybe we just deal with them better.

ok I'm done. thanks.

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