Tuesday, May 29, 2007

how do they know?

So the webpage I was just looking at had little advertisements imbedded in the page. Normal, right? Yeah... but I actually took the time to read those ads today, and they were creepily catered to me. Ok, maybe not the one about getting a credit card, but the one advertising the "Magic Dance" ringtone?! Man! How do those little spies know I am a closet Labyrinth fan? That is just sick. I mean how many people would even know that "Magic Dance" is a David Bowie song in Labyrinth?

Saturday, May 19, 2007


So I went home for a few days this week. Here are some highlights:
-I got a new driver's liscense because my old one was scheduled to expire in June. Apparently, my liscense is now good until I turn 31. That is so crazy. I can't even imagine being 31. So much will change before then. The annoying thing is since I got it before my birthday, I'll be 30, and my lisence will still say "under 21."

-I ran into one of the guys who asked me to prom junior year. I hadn't seen him in four years. As you can imagine, we did not bring up the prom thing. It was actually a good interaction though. He really was one of my favorite people in High School... one of the only ones worth talking to. He works at Fazoli's now.

I feel like my father must have paid my grandfather to periodically ask me if I had found a job yet. I was home for about 48 hours, and her seriously asked me 4 times if I had found a job. Dimentia? I don't think so.

To respond to that question, I do now have a job... at good old ZSR. Yeah, I'll be working at the reference desk and in "special collections" which kind of makes me think of "secret service." So things are starting to fall into place. I now at least have the first half of the summer mapped out... now what to do with July/August?

Friday, May 11, 2007

the remnants of a year

Cleaning out my room, I find:
Lists of things to do yet left undone,
receipts from meals,
expired, unused coupons,
movie ticket stubs,
exactly 8 fortunes (even though I don't like Chinese food),
that cd I forgot to give back to you,
someone's lost lanyard that I never turned in,
a red and yellow striped paper clip,
an unfinished scarf,
a couple of letters,
a spider's web in the bathroom,
a pile of books left unread, and
those earplugs I couldn't find the night there were still people here at 4AM.