Monday, November 27, 2006

Have you ever taken a look at the books on the shelf at the coffee shop on campus?

we've got The Canadians
The Essential Fat Gram Counter for Ethnic Dining
The Rhetoric of Sexuality and the Literature of the French Renaissance
The Best Short Plays 1982-1983
Alaska Cruises and orts of Call
Memoirs of Medieval Women

and my personal favorite: Help for Shy People

I just don't even know what to make of this.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

in 2 weeks I'll be in bed... hibernating for a good 36 hours straight

I am unsure if I should be thankful that there are only two weeks or if I should be terrified that I only have two weeks left with which to complete my growing mountain of work.
I keep thinking to myself only two weeks left! The end is so close! But then I realize crap the end is so close. I'll never finish it all. It's a conflict really.

Food has become a burden... that's when you know it's bad. I get frustrated that I have to schedule time in for eating when I could be doing other things. speaking of...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

hot pursuit

So I've had these odd dreams the last two consecutive nights.

Thursday night: that woman from the CSI episode on cults (we watched it in my religious cults and sects class a while back) and I were running away (presumably from a cult we had joined). We had to run through dense woods and through many abandoned houses and barns while these people were running after us. Right when we would think we had successfully ditched them by hiding in a barn or in the woods, these zombie like creatures would come out of hiding and chase us and try to kill us. (Yes... the cult members had turned into zombies of some sort). It was pretty disturbing.

Friday night: I was in a hospital, and I was being chases again, but the circumstances had changed. This time I was running away from Edward Norton for some reason. It was bizarre... towards the beginning of the dream, there was a table with three books on it: The Red Dragon, Hanibal, and Silence of the Lambs, so I guess that's where Edward Norton comes from, but he was the bad guy, and he was creepy. You would think you'd be safe in a hospital (and you'd think I'd want to run toward Edward Norton and wrap my arms around him), but it was anything but safe. It was a frantic chase up and down deserted hosptial floors and in and out of rooms. One door opened to a huge, strange gymnasium sort of room with a sort of an obstacle course. I climbed to the top so that I could at least see Edward coming, but instead of Edward Norton, all of the sudden Andrew Martin (who lives with me in the Eco house) opened the door and started chasing me. Luckily, for some reason, Erin Evans (my boss at the bookstore) saw it all happening and yelled at him saying he was fired. (I think she got him confused with Steve who did work at the bookstore last year because Andrew definitely doesn't.) Yeah... that was about when I woke up.

Friday, November 24, 2006

more with studying abroad

My latest fling = Copenhagen. I stumbled across this website a few weeks ago actually, but it has really started to catch my attention. OK, so it doesn't look like the classes would be a breeze at all, but they do look interesting/intriguing for sure. You basically have to pick a focus program and then you get to add electives of your choice. I think I'd go with the Psychology program--the specialty is about childhood disorders and about child psychology in general, which I think would be great if I decide I want to go into education or be a school psychologist. The class requires 50-60 hours of fieldwork, which is overwhealming, but would be very rewarding. Basically all day Thursdays, I'd be working directly with kids. They've also got some cool-sounding lit classes: Kierkengaard: Philosophy and Meaning in Life, The Making of the Modern Self, Hans Christian Anderson and the Danish Golden Age. The first two classes are also philosophy classes which would be so great since I've been wanting to take more philosophy classes anyway. Yes, so I think I'm going to really try to go there. The question now is: should I take Italian this spring just in case Copenhagen doesn't work out? I don't know. If I don't take it, I definitely won't be able to go to Venice with Wake. I just don't know if that'd be the right program for me though. I really would like to meet people from other schools and to have more options as far as classes go. So we'll see.

I have this great story to tell you about a pair of shoes, but I will leave that for another day. I need to get down to some paper-writing now.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

exhibit B

exhibit B
Originally uploaded by kowars4.
written on a bathroom wall
(please read entry from 11/4 for more info)

Do you believe in signs?

So for the past two weeks, I've really been trying to decide about whether or not I will go abroad next fall. If you had asked me three years ago if I planned to study abroad in college, I would have surely answered with an emphatic "yes!" but it's so late in the game now that it's serioulsy a pain in the butt to find the write program. Then I found out the English dept. is going to Venice, and I thought huh... maybe it'll be Venice, then. So I decided to look for signs because as you probably know, I am horrible at making decisions. Really, it's bad, and I'm sort of embarrassed about it because it's not like I don't have opinions or goals. I just always wish I could see ahead to learn which option will turn out to be better. It's so hard when you don't know who you'd end up living with over there, you know? Yes... so back to the signs. Here goes nothing:

Exihibit A:
ok, so I happened to be sitting in the international/travel section in Borders, so this may not exactly be too crazy, but these two people proceeded to talk about Venice for like 30 minutes right in front of me. Interesting, but like I said, some skeptics may claim that the likelihood that something like that would happen increased dramatically since I was in that section. So, I wasn't sure what to make of that and just noted it.

Exhibit B:
please see the picture that hopefully I uploaded correctly to my blog. (wow, this will be the first picture!)
yes, I saw this written on a bathroom wall. The quote is crazy enough as it is, but then there was my name at the bottom of it. Now if that isn't a sign, what is?!

Additionally, I would have to take summer school in order to knock out my remaining divisionals, and I thought this would stop me from going abroad, but I was complaining to Shelia Lockheart of the Religion dept., and she told me I could stay in one of the guest rooms in her house over the summer. wow and wow. Some people are just so nice it makes me wonder if there is something wrong or different about them for being so nice or if there is something wrong about everyone else.

Yes, so I think I am meant to go abroad. Now the question will just be... where? and how the heck am I going to pay for it?